New academic year has just began but our minds are still in Bulgaria, which we all will remember for a long time. Firstly the students would like to thank thier hosts dear professor George Ajdanlijsky and his student Temenuga Georgieva for the time and knowledge they shared with them about geology and history of Bulgaria. For their patience during field work with all of the participants. This course was very important and mind opening experience for students and lecturers.
On 14th of September a group of 12 students from Institute of Geology at AMU Poznań took part in a journey to Bulgaria. After arrival in Sofia they were welcomed by professor George Ajdanlijsky, lecturer at Ivan Rylski Universtiy of Mining and Geology in Sofia. Their trip started early with introduction to regional geology.
On second day, when our students got to Kamchia they gathered together with other participants from Bucharest and Kijev. All of them received tools and theoretical explanation of their task for upcoming days. The key to success was discussion with others and attention to details.
Our colleges had opportunity to visit few interesting sites with outcrops of Galata formation next to Black Sea, in delta of Kamchia river and in Kamchia Basin. This formation is gas enriched sediment exploited offshore by Bulgarian petroleum companies. For all of the students it was brand new experience because they could analyze cliffs and outcrops which are a reservoir rock few kilometers away from their position.
Apart from field work, sediments description and sedlogs preparation there was a very nice weather. Everyone had their time to relax in the sea and on the beach.
Afternoons were booked for student conference where friends and colleges from other countries showed their master thesis, research papers and achievements of their Student Chapters. Variety of topics allowed them to learn about magmatic rocks, taxonomy and sedimentology. Our students also showed their master thesis and accomplishments.
A great surprise for other participants was a slideshow about Poland with invitation to our country.
The last day for all participants was very hard, because they all got very close together after the course and goodbyes are always hard. Friends from Romania and Ukraine left back home, but our students stayed for one more day. Their plan was to drive back to Sofia with several stops at outcrops with important stratigraphical boundaries and historical monuments.
Sofia needs to be visited for sure, but not without a proper guidance. They took part in a tour around city center with a young and full of positive energy guide. During this trip the city showed them it’s history. Sofia has changed many times during centuries and what’s impressive? That below XXth century building everyone could observe ruins and foundations of ancient constructions from Bulgarian through Turkish, to Romanian.
Last part of this trip was flight from Sofia to Berlin. This time goodbyes were even harder. The time they spent together was very productive and mind opening. Even Professor George joked that our students should stay and become his pupils. Full of new energy and motivation they faced new academic year awaiting next meeting.