On 7th of December 2017, we had an honor to host AAPG Visiting Geoscientist lecturer – Mr János Csizmeg with topic „Petroleum systems in the Pannonian Basin”. The lecture was about geological structure and origin of Hungarian part of Pannonian petroleum basin. The speaker told us among others about types of hydrocarbon traps which are occurring in this area and show us seismic profiles from Pannonian Basin. Finally, we could hear a little bit about benefits which are coming from being active member of AAPG Chapters. This speech was very positive and motivating for our students. Before lecture we show Mr Janos our famous meteorite craters in Morasko Meteorite Nature Reserve. During visit of our guest, in our institute we were celebrated st. Barbara name’s day (in polish – Barbórka), which in Poland is the day of miners and geologists. Mr János Csizmeg took part in all events we organized: artistic part where he expressed his satisfaction with the work that our chapter does in the front of all invited guests and dean’s authorities; “Barbórka’s inn” a dinner in the institute and a dancing party in club “Akumulatory”.
Thank you so much for visiting us and a lot of efforts which you put into it Mr János Csizmeg, we hope we’ll see you again!