Electoral meeting of AMU Poznań Student Chapter of The AAPG was held on 20 June at the Institute of Geology. Our special guest was Jan de Jager, Shell’s long-term employee, who’s excellent specialist in the field of petroleum geology and currently training professionals from oil & gas industry all around the world. Jan de Jager is also a lecturer at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and faculty advisor of the AAPG student chapter at this university. He encouraged students to work actively in our chapter and told about the advantages of taking part in the Imperial Barrel Award competition.
This is executive board for the academic year 2017/2018:
President: Martyna Górska
Vice-president: Ewelina Niklas
Secretary: Paula Hemmerling
Treasurer: Mateusz Ratajczak
Publicity committee: Wiktoria Aulich
Field Trip Committee: Jakub Sauermann
Membership commitee: Patrycja Kwiatoń